12 December 2009

"Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for it to kill your enemy." -- Nelson Mandela

Built-up resentment is like a lion on the prowl, just waiting for opportunities to leap out and roar. People, of course, are what they are: Inevitably someone does something that releases the monster, and while I confine my own resentments to verbal tirades at worst, they still manage to leave me feeling very small, tainted, and depleted.

So who is my resentment hurting? Me, and me alone.

Or rather, me and those who are close enough to me to be impacted by the roar: My loved ones.

My health also suffers.

So releasing resentment can only be beneficial to oneself. I for one am ready to let it all go . . . .

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A few years ago I wandered from the path of health and well-being, gradually overwhelmed by depression, fibromyalgia, overall deteriorating health and obesity. Inside and out, I feel terrible and look worse. I am now working towards reclaiming my health and well-being. My goal is to achieve and maintain a way of living that leaves me feeling--and looking--GREAT!