25 September 2013


Do you ever experience sadness? regret? envy? resentment? longing?

If you do, do you resist it, pushing it away and attempting to replace it with some other feeling? 

Do you set it loose and allow it to wreak havoc upon your Life until it loses momentum?

Or do you embrace it, simply allowing it to Be, holding it close to one's heart as a dearly Beloved Friend, staying fully present with it until it's stopped its squalling and nestled back into your Essence as a welcomed part of your whole?

Which approach is more Self-Loving? 

Which sets the better example for how we should treat one another?

Kindness to Self makes one a kinder person.
Kinder people contribute to a kinder Reality, 
and create a more caring World.

Don't we therefore have a responsibility to the World to treat ourselves (including our emotions and perceptions) with Loving Kindness, first and foremost?


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A few years ago I wandered from the path of health and well-being, gradually overwhelmed by depression, fibromyalgia, overall deteriorating health and obesity. Inside and out, I feel terrible and look worse. I am now working towards reclaiming my health and well-being. My goal is to achieve and maintain a way of living that leaves me feeling--and looking--GREAT!